I recently wrote a blog called “Fundraising Directors - Are you harder to hire or harder to keep?”. The post basically argued when charities hire a Development Director (DD), the adverts and job descriptions lead on how they’re poised for growth and have ambitious fundraising plans.
That was the hiring bit……
This blog post (part 2) wants to look at what happens next – once you accept the job - is it a keeper?
Just for background; I have worked in Fundraising for over 20 years, 8 years of which I was a DD. I have worked in-house for charities and for funders, so have worked closely with approximately 350 charities from Start Ups to Big Brands and all other shapes and sizes in between.
I have spent the last two weeks doing coaching calls with DD's, predominantly from the UK, working for medium and small charities and representing a wide variety of causes. All were heading up the fundraising for their charity.
Throughout the sessions...
50% Complete
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