So, you are the Fundraising Director or Head of a Department. You have just opened your calendar to see what the week has in store for you this week:
- Firstly, it has the normal back to back meetings, but clever you, you have planted a couple of “fake ones” just to make sure there is some breathing space peppered throughout the week. Your whole team and various other people have access to your diary and boy does it fill up fast.
- There is the normal reoccurring stuff, Senior Team, one to ones with line reports, a few monthly ones with the wider organisation and then just a whole bunch of internal updates and whatnot.
- There’s a meeting with a donor that seems to have appeared, which is good. You are not sure what it’s about, but the Account Manager has sent you an invite to brief you the day before.
- This looks like another week of “canapes for dinner” as there are several evening networking events you are down for...